Representative clients and legal matters, past and present (where granted permission by client, client previously disclosed representation publicly, or matter of public record). This list is just a sampling and is in no way comprehensive or indicative of all types of matters handled by the firm.
General counsel for The Angels® (Girl Group with #1 Gold Record "My Boyfriend's Back"); The Delicates; Ginger Bianco (Isis, Goldie & The Gingerbreads); Baltimore-based band Of Broken; Baltimore-based band 7 Days Torn; Winston Grennan (drummer most famous for creating the "One Drop" beat); Prince Buster (Jamaican Ska recording artist); royalty recovery for recording artist Garland Jeffreys ("Wild In The Streets"); Hyper Chyld (Jim Beam Grant winner); Jamaican recording artist Lord Tanamo; Friends of Distinction (Gold Records "Grazin in the Grass" & "Going in Circles"); Kara Kalavente McMillan (contract for performance of title track in John Waters' film "Cecil B. DeMented"); Christ-Centered Records; entertainment promotor Troy Rawlings Presents!; successful trademark opposition for recording artist Delusion's mark; Creative Entertainment contract for Ben Vereen recording; Estate of songwriter, musician & recording artist Kenny Moore (Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, Patti Labelle); royalty recovery for recording artist The Swallows ("Dearest"); Music Fog (Americana Revolution in music).
Caryatid Films, production attorney for film "Die Blessed"; post-release attorney for film "Maxim Xul" (Adam West); production attorney for film "A Letter To Dad" (John Ashton, Corin Nemec, Mario Van Peebles, Dana Barron); production attorney for "Everything's Wonderful"; production attorney for film "Mixed Blessings" (Timothy Bottoms, Kelly Curtis, Taylor Nichols); production attorney for documentary "Freedom Dance" (Mariska Hargitay); Emmy®-nominated filmmaker (songwriter & visual artist) Steven Fischer; award-winning filmmaker Craig Herron; Scorpio Pictures; film option for several comic books; film option for various novels; Singles Broadcast Network; negotiate contract with Disney for featured actor in "The Family" reality show; represent shopping of reality show; DT3E TV Entertainment; MTV licenses for client-artists' music in various tv shows.
Jim Balent's BroadSword Comics (Tarot: Witch of The Black Rose); Holly G! (comics Vampfire, School Bites, 3 Little Kittens); reknowned jazz photographer with works in Library of Congress; artist's claim against national restaurant chain for copyright infringement & moral rights violation of its mural art; graphic artist no compete agreement; visual artist's claim for copyright infringement against international charity; Estate of Jerome Beatty Jr (author of childrens book series "Matthew and Maria Looney").
Radio personality Jim McBean; Frisky's Wildlife & Primate Sanctuary; UnConventional Woman; Edgar's Billiards Club; collections for Barter Systems, Inc.; Holocaust-era class action lawsuit against Swiss banks and others; claim against Murdoch's NewsCorp by Best of The 20th Century; general counsel for car dealership Pimlico Motors; general counsel for health clubs (Gold's Gym franchisee, Sculpt, Optifit); general counsel for chain Philadelphia Style Pizza & Subs; general counsel for printer Flexprint Graphics; collections for Equifax; general counsel for Nancy Lewis Entertainment Works & Public Relations; client disclosure of Swiss Bank account under IRS voluntary disclosure program.
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